I hope this posting finds you working away on your pre-service work (big hint here!) and getting prepared for our retreat. We are looking forward to meeting everyone in person, and getting to continue some of the conversations about teaching and learning we have started here.
As you will notice on the del.icio.us site, more blogs are up! While your specific pre-service instructions are only about posting on your own blog, we want to encourage you (in all of your spare time-- ha!) to start to read and respond to others' blogs as well. Too often in education, people spend time isolated in their own classrooms, unaware of others' experiences and learnings. While the Reach coaches will make every effort to support and challenge every one of you throughout the year, you are all resources for each other. If you have nothing else in common, you are now connected with a group of people who are all going through their early years of teaching. This is a tough time, and trust me-- getting support from others who are going through similar experiences can be really helpful.
See you in August-- and get that pre-service work done! ;-)
Hi Victoria,
One thing I realized is challenging for me is asking for help and also opening myself up to others. This is a great way to connect to others and also communicate and get support. I hope to grow and face my fear of, "sounding dumb" or "needing help." Because as I would tell my students, "There are no such thing as a stupid question" or "Everyone needs help. Don't be embarrassed to ask."
I am really impressed that we are using blogs to turn in our assignments and to stay connected throughout or time with Reach! I think this method really emphasizes the fact that we are all part of a journey or a process together. Through these blogs, we can be more transparent about what we're going through in order to better support each other. I definitely agree with the previous comment in that it's difficult to admit to needing help, but these blogs, and this entire process, will hopefully give me a chance to ask for help a lot.
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